Friday, September 17, 2010

Pod Cast Ideas

    I was thinking of using my PodCast to focus on race. I'd like to use the book Being with You This Way, by W. Nikola-Lisa, to focus on race and how differences should be celebrated. The book seems to make everyone the same. I think it is more important though to identify differnces and learn about them, rather than ignoring them altogether and being "color blind".
   I like this book for the representation of so many races and cultures, but have a hard time with how the author deals with those differences. This book would be good for many children because they are able to identify themselves in it, but once those identifications are made they should be shared amongst the class. I like that the book attempts to show difference in race in a good light, by not marginalizing any one group. I only wish to discuss how those differences can be looked at as good on their own, and not ignored altogether by calling everyone the same.


  1. I think you could use some of what you have written in this post as part of your podcast! You bring up important issues about race and culture. I'm not familiar with the text you mention so I'm excited to hear about what you have to say. Thanks.

  2. Great so glad to hear you like my ideas! Can't wait to get started!
